Author: tourteam

Austria supports Austrians

With so much support from the home country, you are of course proud to be Austrian. Not only local newspapers but also the popular Austrian Redbull TV station “Servus TV” supports us to the full!

With a 5-minute Quads & Minibikes report, you can take a look at our company and find out more about us.

We hereby thank Servus TV and the Ländle Anzeiger for the great support!

Website becomes multilingual!

Surprise goodbye to our flying Dutchman Jeremy

It is the end of the summer season and the Quad & Mini Bike Mallorca Team shows no tiredness! Until the last day, our Dutchman Jeremy worked late into the night, so the quads are in great shape for the next day – what he and the others do not know is that there will be no tour the next day!

In the meantime, Anna has organized a sailing trip. Under an excuse, the boys pillaged Can Pastilla when they finally discussed the surprise 10 minutes before departure;)

New Website

Welcome to our new site!

Here you could inform you in the future about our activities and book your tours. If you like our tours we would be happy about a positive contribution.

So, have fun your team of

Quads & Minibikes Mallorca

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